Get a Quote on Your Business Energy
To enable us to price your utilities the quickest and easiest starting point is to send us a copy bill for every meter. The bills tell us everything we need to know, and identify the meter, when your contract ends, usage, rates etc., but please be sure to include all the pages of the bill which are normally marked ‘1 of 4’ for example.
Once we receive this, we can provide you with a report on your current position and go out to tender to a date of your choosing. If you have a ‘Half Hourly’ electric meter or large gas usage, the rates provided are taken from the live wholesale market the day of quotation and need to be accepted that day or prices refreshed for another day of your choosing.
Should you accept any price through us your agreement and invoicing will be with the supplier, not UUB. However, we can provide a level of service dictated by you, but we can’t do anything on your behalf without you giving us official authorisation, via a prepared written or verbal script. Please see our downloads page for examples of what these state. They are there for your protection.